Green Energy Open Service Cloud Platform

The Green Energy Open Service Cloud Platform (referred to as Green Energy Cloud Platform) is an industrial Internet platform focused on the digital energy field. It integrates technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, AI analytics, visualization, etc.,
with a mission to empower governments, enterprises, industrial parks, and ecological partners in smart energy supply and utilization. The Green Energy Open Service Cloud Platform focuses on digital smart energy, constructing architectures at the edge layer, platform layer, and application layer,
to build a smart carbon management platform, providing a one-stop smart solution, and driving the green transformation of a new energy-based power system.

Application Layer

With a multi-user management approach, configure corresponding functions based on the management characteristics of each user, realize customized requirements of “different strokes for different folks” for regional management, user management, and ecosystem partners, without the need for users at all levels to build their own systems, thus reducing operational management costs.

Platform Layer

After the edge data is collected, it is connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) platform through internet protocols to enable interconnection between devices and the platform, realizing comprehensive perception of energy information within the management area. The big data platform dynamically configures and adjusts the storage, cleaning, and processing processes of the aggregated data. Through standardization, it transforms data into assets, making it easier to store and extract value from the data. The AI platform provides end-to-end management from data preparation to model training, model validation, and model deployment, empowering users to quickly learn and build analytical models.

Boundary layer

Lvnengyun integrates various types of energy assets (such as wind turbines, solar panels, energy storage, charging piles, motors, electric boilers, air compressors, etc.) or monitoring devices through a control system for real-time data collection, either by direct acquisition or by adding collecting devices, and then reporting the energy data to the IoT platform. By supporting the rapid integration of “dumb” and smart devices, it solves the difficulty of digitizing underlying equipment.


Microservice Framework

Elastic framework, flexible scalability

Privacy Technology

Data Transmission Encryption
Data Decryption
Sensitive Data Handling

Massive connectivity

Access to diverse data sources
Support for tens of millions of devices for horizontal scaling
Support for petabyte-scale massive data storage and analysis
Support for concurrent scheduling of thousands of tasks

Active Deployment

Private Cloud Deployment
Public Cloud Deployment
On-premises Deployment

Industry accumulation

In-house algorithms and models
Standard physical model repository
Common data governance strategies
Common index libraries and subject libraries


Flexible construction of visualization components
Digital twin 3D modeling
Rich industry and scene 3D model library

Energy Management
Energy Statistical Analysis
Energy Consumption Assessment
Dual Control of Energy Consumption
Energy Consumption Early Warning

Carbon Asset Management
Carbon calculation
Carbon account management
Carbon neutrality calculation
Carbon emission control
Energy Efficiency Analysis
Industry Equipment Energy Efficiency Database
Energy Efficiency Benchmarking
Key Energy Consumption Monitoring
Equipment Energy Efficiency Diagnosis
Equipment Health Management
Equipment Health Analysis
Equipment Remaining Useful Life Prediction
Equipment Fault Diagnosis
Equipment Fault Prediction
MES Production Management
Equipment Inspection Optimization
Equipment Maintenance
Equipment Repair Optimization

Case One

Case Two