Ocean Ranching

Developing ocean ranching and creating a “blue granary” to promote deep-sea aquaculture equipment and smart fisheries. Moving towards informatization, intelligence, and modernization in ocean fishing, exploring innovative models for integrated ocean


Ducted Fan + Net Cage Integrated Equipment
Utilizing ducted fan support as the foundation, equipped with a high-performance net system and intelligent aquaculture system, achieving deep integration of technologies in various aspects including marine area, structure, power system, information transmission, and operation and maintenance. The water volume for breeding ranges from 5000 to 15000 cubic meters, with an annual fish production of 75 to 200 tons, capable of withstanding up to a Category 17 typhoon.
Typhoon-resistant HDPE Aquaculture Net Cage
With a circumference of 80 meters, this net cage breaks through multiple core technologies, possesses completely independent intellectual property rights, and can withstand up to a Category 17 typhoon. It has been successfully applied in the country’s first fusion project of “offshore wind power + ocean ranch.”
Floating Intelligent Aquaculture Net Cage
Suitable for waters deeper than 35 meters, featuring an anti-typhoon design that can withstand up to a Category 17 typhoon. Equipped with an intelligent aquaculture system and living platform, it provides a breeding water volume of 50,000 to 80,000 cubic meters with an annual fish production of 700 to 1000 tons. It is the optimal choice for offshore aquaculture in deep seas and can expand its functionality to serve as a deep-sea wind power operation and maintenance center platform.
Large Pile Enclosure Aquaculture Net Cage
Large/extra-large aquaculture equipment designed to accommodate water volumes of 100,000 to 300,000 cubic meters, with capabilities to withstand up to a Category 17 super typhoon and annual fish production of 1000 to 3000 tons. Equipped with a fully automated aquaculture system throughout the process, it offers strong functional scalability and can integrate tourism observation platforms and wind power operation and maintenance platforms to create a diversified marine sightseeing and aquaculture platform that combines “Wind-Fish-Tour” elements.
Fixed Intelligent Aquaculture Net Cage
Suitable for waters up to 30 meters deep, providing a breeding water volume of 50,000 to 100,000 cubic meters and an annual fish production of 700 to 1300 tons. Utilizing various forms of positioning such as sitting on the seabed, piling, and suction cup solutions to adapt to different seabed conditions, it can withstand up to a Category 17 super typhoon. Equipped with an intelligent aquaculture system, it can also expand to serve as an offshore wind power operation and maintenance platform as well as a tourism observation platform.


  • Modern Ocean Ranch Equipment
  • Intelligent Aquaculture System
  • Creating Ocean Energy Islands
Modern Ocean Ranch Equipment
The research and development of modern ocean ranch equipment is advancing towards deeper seas, intelligence, and integration, focusing on “high typhoon resistance” and “high flexibility for expansion.” Mingyang Smart has independently developed various types and forms of modern ocean ranch equipment to effectively address the three-dimensional development of “offshore wind power + ocean ranch” under different marine conditions, enhancing the comprehensive development capabilities of marine areas and generating higher economic benefits.
Intelligent Aquaculture System
The intelligent aquaculture system comprises intelligent aquaculture hardware and an AI-based big data analysis system. By monitoring the hydrological and water quality conditions and fish growth in aquaculture areas in real-time, data is uploaded to the AI platform for intelligent big data analysis-driven decision-making. The system provides optimal feeding strategies, best net cleaning methods, most efficient fish harvesting techniques, and comprehensive safety strategies for implementation.
Creating Ocean Energy Islands
Ocean Energy Islands are green ecological islands that operate with “zero carbon,” integrating offshore wind power, wave energy, seawater electrolysis, ocean ranching, tourism, and leisure into a single entity. They serve as a convergence point and transit station for ocean energy and resource development, representing a necessary trend in the large-scale development of integrated offshore energy sources.


Demonstration Area for “Offshore Wind Power + Ocean Ranch”
In August 2021, Mingyang’s independently developed and designed trial net cage equipment in Yangjiang Sha Ba was put into operation, successfully yielding fish in January 2022. It marked the first successful fish harvest in the country’s “offshore wind power + ocean ranch” demonstration area, pioneering a new model of “green energy + blue food warehouse.” The equipment, which has independent intellectual property rights, has withstood multiple typhoons, including the challenges of Typhoon Lion Rock. The net cages demonstrate good security and operational status. The experimental area is more than 30 kilometers offshore, where deep-sea net cage culture of yellow croakers has shortened the production cycle while ensuring robust meat quality and even better taste. This successful experiment has provided valuable data on the fusion of wind and fish, exploring a replicable and scalable high-quality development model for marine economy.
“Mingyu No.1”
In August 2023, the world’s first integrated intelligent wind-fishing equipment was fully established in Yangjiang, Guangdong, with the first fish harvest completed in November. This equipment is capable of withstanding up to a Category 17 super typhoon, ensuring the safety and reliability of wind power generation and deep-sea aquaculture. The harvest yielded over 9000 pounds of yellow croaker, along with experimental fish species such as groupers and snappers. The pristine offshore area with high flow rates, oxygen levels, and low pollution provided a habitat similar to the wild for the yellow croakers. The superior environment attracted various wild fish species, demonstrating the ecological benefits brought by the efficient and reasonable “Wind-Fish Fusion” mode.